06 December 2009

Negative Ions

"Negative ions increase oxygen flow to the brain, improving alertness and mental energy; they combat the effects of stress by boosting the immune system and by reducing harmful effects of pollution. Experiments have shown that negative ions limit the production of serotonin in the body preventing depression and fatigue. Negative ions activate cells, purify the blood, stabilize the nervous system and improve our immunity."

On our vacay, Dearie and I discussed about negative ions and we decided to try out Kinohimitsu Health Pads (made in Japan) on our last night. I had mine applied on my shoulders while his on the soles of his feet. And the pads did turn brownish the next morning. We're toxic! Ha. We brought the remaining 2 boxes home. I had the remaining pads applied to the sole of my feet last night. And the pads were tainted brown when I woke up.

According to the FAQ on the website, black indicates heavy toxin deposit and weak body condition; brown for generally ok health condition, normal waste deposit while grey reflects excellent health condition, with little toxin in body. Mmm.

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